We are really delighted to be able to add this incredible piece of equipment to The Brightwell’s Physio Department.
Although this is a very advanced piece of equipment in terms of how the Physio Team can use it, it is simple, safe and straightforward for our Service Users.
A Biodex Gait Trainer is a treadmill that helps people improve their gait and motor learning. It can support:
Gait analysis: Measures aspects of gait, such as step length, cadence, stance times, and lateral weight shifting.
Biofeedback: Provides real-time audio and visual cues to help users develop a proper gait pattern.
Progress tracking: Documents gait parameters and user’s performance, which can be printed, saved, or charted.
Goal setting: Compares user’s footfall to desired footfall, and allows therapists to set goals and monitor progress.
Rehabilitation: Helps people with brain injuries or those who have had a stroke to improve their gait.
Strength and coordination: Helps develop strength, range of motion, balance, and coordination.
Cardiovascular capacity: Helps increase cardiovascular capacity when used regularly.
The machine has been strategically place in the gym so that those that cannot weight bare easily can still benefit from the equipment in a safe way with the support of the overhead hoist.
This piece of equipment has been on our Lead Physiotherapist, Amrik’s wish-list for a long time.
Due to the high cost of a brand new machine, we didn’t think we would ever be able to afford one. However, Amrik kept in touch with Biodex, the manufacturer. and a refurbished one became available. Thanks to two donations, one from Woodstock Homes and a top up donation from Caz and Martin Blake-Symes, the cost was covered.
The Company arranged for the equipment to be delivered, installed and calibrated. Training took place with Amrik, Bhumika and Millie, who were really impressed with the possible benefits, and it even plays music!
Amrik commented “This is an outstanding addition to the Physiotherapy Department, the feedback this apparatus gives us would be impossible to gain from an ordinary treadmill. The information gained will enable us to develop our Service Users’ existing physio programmes and monitor their progress. We are all looking forward to finding out more about the benefits and results this new piece of equipment will offer.”
If you would like to find out more about the specialist Neurophysiotherapy that we offer at the Centre please visit. www.thebrightwell.org.uk/physio