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Introducing The Brightwell 100

We are delighted and excited to launch The Brightwell 100 as of 7 February 2022! This new initiative will form the key part of our corporate fund raising, vital to keep our charity running and flourishing.

The Brightwell, incorporating The West of England MS Therapy Centre, is looking to have a cohort of 100 corporate sponsors each supporting the charity with a “share” of £1,000. This will enable The Brightwell to develop and increase the services and support that we offer those living with chronic neurological conditions.

There are several ways in which businesses can fund their share/s and become part of The Brightwell 100.

Option 1

A one-off payment of £1,000 made directly to the charity. If the supporting business is a sole trader/individual, we would be very grateful for the additional support of Gift Aid.

Option 2

The £1,000 donation can be spread over a 12-month period with a standing order of £83.34 per month. If the supporting business is a sole trader/individual, we would be very grateful for the additional support of Gift Aid.

Option 3

The donation can take the form of professional services, for example labour/materials for building projects or professional services such as legal or architect fees.

What are the benefits for The Brightwell 100 “Shareholders”?

· Supporting a worthwhile charity.

· Enabling them to fulfil their charitable aims and objectives.

· Being associated with a reputable charity (guidelines will be provided about use of the name and logo)

· Knowledge that their donation will be 100% effectively used unlike major national/international charities.

· Tax efficient way to donate, receipts and letters of thanks to be provided.

· Publicity via our website and social media outlets for the supporting businesses.

· Promotional opportunities with visits to the Centre, photos with members of staff/Centre members usual permissions and safeguarding to be in place.

· Use of meeting rooms when built.

· Long term relationship to see how donated money has been used.

How your support will be used

We will have a wide range of projects and ongoing requirements and in most cases, supporters will be able to have an input into where their funds are used. In the case of larger donations for more significant projects, supporters will be involved especially in the case of donated services.

As of February 2022, our projects and “Wishlist” fall into five main categories

· Oxygen Department

· Physiotherapy Department

· Members Area

· Project Green

· New Café Area

For more details and costs for specific items please visit

Thank you for your interest in The Brightwell 100.

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