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Subscription Renewal for 2025


Have you renewed your Brightwell Subscription for 2025 yet? If not, Dawn or Monique will be delighted to help you with this next time that you are in, alternatively you can call on 01454 201686.

You are probably already thinking about booking your sessions for January and February, so you will need to renew your subscription in order to do this.

We are pleased to keep the annual Subscription at £35 for Charity Members.

We are also asking everyone to please consider making their therapy contributions by Standing Order.

The benefits are as follows:

  • It helps us with planning for staffing/volunteer levels.

  • Members know they have a definite booking.

  • You only contribute for 44 weeks a year, to take into account holidays.

  • We are only usually closed for 1 week over Christmas and New Year and up to 3  days of servicing and training.

  • You know you have made the right contribution, so there are no concerns about forgetting.

  • It is easier to budget.

  • Adjustments can be made for long term absence e.g. hospitalisation or prolonged illness.

Standing Orders are worked out on an average of 44 weeks per year if someone attends weekly. This takes into account 8 weeks of nonattendance for any reason.

Here are some examples

1-2-1 Physiotherapy (Level 2) @ £25 per session X 44 weeks / 12 months = £91.66 per month

Oxygen @ £15 per session X 44 weeks / 12 months = £55.00 per month

Exercise class @ £8 per session X 44 weeks / 12 months = £29.33 per month

For fortnightly sessions the following applies:

1-2-1 Physio (Level 1) @ £30 per session X 22 weeks / 12 months = £55.00 per month

A member of staff or a member of our Reception Team will be pleased to work out your monthly contributions with you based on your individual treatment plan. We can also print off any forms and complete them with you.

If you are a lapsed member and would like to rejoin the Brightwell Community, please come and have a chat, we would  really love to see you again.

Any queries whatsoever, please get in touch.


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