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The Hope Programme – a 6 week online course


The Hope Programme® is a range of face-to-face and digital courses, that empower people to manage their health and wellbeing and to flourish in their working and personal lives.

The courses are based on positive psychology, mindfulness and cognitive behavioural therapy and rooted in 25 years of research evidence.

The core activities, supplemented with tailored content, include: 

Caz Blake-Symes, one of our Service Users and a  Trustee, took part in the most recent course and had the following feedback. Caz lives with Secondary Progressive MS.

“I was not sure what to expect from this course. It was completely on-line in six modules, each module is released weekly. The access and information can be through your pc or laptop, plus there is an excellent phone app.

I did the course through a combination of the two and it took a couple of hours a week. You can do each section within each module at your own pace. There is the opportunity to set your own goals and add feedback. There were additional “Cafes” that participants could join but due to work commitments,  the timings for those didn’t work for me. The facilitators are easily contactable and keep in touch via email throughout the six weeks.

The content, supported by videos and recorded talks is excellent. I would have said that before taking part in this course that I was a positive person, but this programme definitely gave me some interesting and sometimes challenging ideas about how I could deal with things in a different and more effective way

The course goes at a good pace and I think it is easier to do a couple of modules within each section at a time, it would be a lot to take in in one go.

I would thoroughly recommend trying to get on this programme. It’s also free! I have carried on with using lots of the tools and ideas from the various topics  covered and feel I have definitely benefitted!”

Please see the poster below with information about the next course which is aimed specifically at those living with MS. The course does not start until 26 February, but you will need to book ASAP!

For more information and to nook the course please visit


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